How to build GeoMesa 1.2.x for Scala 2.10 / Spark 1.x

Scala 2.10 and Geomesa 1.3

GeoMesa 1.3 series supports cross compile against Scala 2.10 and Scala 2.11 out of the box. See 1.3.0-m0 release notes.

NB: In GeoMesa 1.3, the 'geomesa-compute' module has been moved under the 'geomesa-accumulo' one and renamed to 'geomesa-accumulo-compute'.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Compile sfcurve-0.1.3 for scala 2.10
  2. Compile geomesa-compute for scala 2.10

Step 1. Compile sfcurve-0.2.0 for scala 2.10
git clone
cd sfcurve
git checkout v0.2.0
./sbt <<EOF
++ 2.10.6
Step 2. Compile geomesa-compute for scala 2.10
git clone
cd geomesa
git checkout geomesa-1.2.5-compute_2.10
mvn -Dscala-2.10 -Dspark -DskipTests=true clean package 

The geomesa-compute jar will be available as
