2014-07-11 Sprint Planning
2014-07-11 Sprint Planning
- Integration stuff Chris Eichelberger (Deactivated)
- Mini-accumulo Former user (Deleted)
- Ingest rate in UI Andrew Annex (Deactivated)
- Dynamic graph of rate over time
- Secondary indexes Andrew HulbertJames Hughes
- Internal Demo on wednesday
- IDL wrapping up Hunter Provyn
- KNN Michael Ronquest
- Use distance transform to add a distance attribute
- Remove ehcache Jake Kenneally (Deactivated)
- Approaches to secondary index sharding Andrew Hulbert
- Configure fields for secondary indexes
- Stats gathering for query and index optimization
- SLD rendering in parallel / storm?
- August 18 meetup Andrew HulbertChris Eichelberger (Deactivated)Anthony Fox
- geowebcache
- BigData abstract James HughesChris Eichelberger (Deactivated)
- Topological predicates in SimpleFeatureFilteringIterator James Hughes
- Update github README
- Travis CI is pointing at the wrong branch
- Reference the tutorial page, put more stuff in readme to capture attention
- www.geomesa.org
- Wrap Secondary index
- Internal Demo
- Wrap up KNN
- Wrap up IDL
- Initial Query planning interfaces
- Community support, documentation, etc