GeoMesa 1.1.0-rc.6
All updates for this release
- GEOMESA-916 DONE UniqueProcess should support multi-valued attributes
- GEOMESA-904 DONE P2P process return multiple segments
- GEOMESA-899 TO DO Enable Data-defined timestamps and ageoff
- GEOMESA-877 TO DO Move SFTBuilder to utils from accumulo
- GEOMESA-876 TO DO Move csv package from accumulo-datastore to geomesa-convert
- GEOMESA-770 TO DO Update the main
- GEOMESA-769 TO DO Move the binary encoding output out of the plugin so it can be deployed independently of the general GeoMesa plugin
- GEOMESA-915 DONE WMS queries that have viewport bounds and a bbox in the CQL clause return viewport results
- GEOMESA-911 DONE Disjoint attribute index queries do not work with bin format
- GEOMESA-897 TO DO Fix Travis Build for LiveKafkaConsumerFeatureSourceTest
- GEOMESA-913 DONE Travis CI job is failing
- GEOMESA-912 IN REVIEW Create web service for a SQL API on top of GeoMesa
- GEOMESA-909 DONE Make z3 use geometry filter for complicated spatial relations
- GEOMESA-903 TO DO GeoMesaStreamSource next should return quickly
- GEOMESA-600 TO DO Investigate replacing feature type name in the index schema with a feature type ID