GeoMesa 1.1.0-rc.4
All updates for this release
- GEOMESA-878 DONE Improve the GeoMesa Accumulo QuickStart
- GEOMESA-866 DONE Add support for Accumulo 1.6
- GEOMESA-884 DONE Map/reduce methods aren't working in accumulo 1.5/1.6
- GEOMESA-882 DONE RemoveSchema not deleting z3tables
- GEOMESA-879 DONE command line m/r ingest is missing some jars
- GEOMESA-874 DONE Before predicate is broken for Z3Tables
- GEOMESA-872 DONE Wait for Kafka topic to be ready for writes
- GEOMESA-870 DONE CSV Ingest deadlock condition
- GEOMESA-867 DONE Raster Layer Registration Fix
- GEOMESA-791 DONE GeoMesa REPL Scalding REPL commands return the same feature multiple times
- GEOMESA-790 DONE GeoMesa REPL remote map/reduce jobs fail with serialization issues
- GEOMESA-885 DONE Add 'flush' to AccumuloFeatureWriter
- GEOMESA-883 DONE Allow CQL filters in schema transition job
- GEOMESA-881 DONE GeoMesa spark (and m/r) should handle complex query plans
- GEOMESA-880 DONE Update surefire plugin to latest (2.18.1)