GeoMesa 4.0.0 Release Notes

GeoMesa 4.0.0 Release Notes

GeoMesa 4.0.0 is a new major release. This release includes 18 new features and 6 bug fixes. Users should read the Upgrade Guide for additional information. Install bundles for LocationTech GeoMesa can be downloaded from GitHub or individual artifacts are available on Maven central.  GeoMesa-NiFi nars are available on GitHub or Maven central.

Notable Features

  • Java 11 and 17 runtime support (in addition to Java 8), Scala 2.13 support
  • GeoMesa SparkSQL integration with Apache Sedona for faster joins
  • Many dependency version updates

Versions and Compatibility

GeoMesa follows Semantic Versioning (starting with version 2.0.0). It provides data compatibility with versions back to 1.2.0. GeoMesa 4.0.0 offers public API compatibility with versions 4.x. It offers binary compatibility with versions 4.0.x.

Note that the GeoMesa public API is not currently well defined. Users with deep code integration with GeoMesa may need to update some calls.

Minimum Library Versions

Support for older versions of some libraries has been dropped. The following minimum versions are now required:

  • Apache Accumulo 2.0.0 (dropped support for 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, and 1.10)
  • Apache Spark 3.0 (dropped support for 2.4)
  • Apache Kafka 2.0 (dropped support for 0.10, 0.11, 1.0, and 1.1)


GeoMesa 4.0.0 supports upgrade in place from previous versions of 2.x or 3.x, by updating the GeoMesa JAR versions. Ensure that JARs are updated in all clients and servers. See the upgrade guide for information on changes that may affect you after the update.


Thanks to all the people who have contributed to this release!

  • Emilio Lahr-Vivaz
  • Justin Bardwell
  • Kristin Cowalcijk

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