GeoMesa 1.3.3 Release Notes

GeoMesa 1.3.3 Release Notes

GeoMesa 1.3.3 is the third bugfix release in the GeoMesa 1.3 line and includes 19 fixes and improvements since the 1.3.2 release. This release mainly focused on internal improvements and minor bugs.

Improvements / bug fixes

  • Performance improvements in query planning, the Lambda data store and Parquet integration

  • A fix for attribute plus geometry queries in the Cassandra data store

  • Support for parsing all GeoJSON geometry types during ingestion

  • Additional documentation on running GeoMesa in Docker

Versions & Compatibility

1.2 Maintenance Releases - GeoMesa will continue to cut releases on the 1.2.x line of GeoMesa targeted at bugfixes and stability improvements for existing Accumulo 1.6+ installations. Features may be backported from 1.3 to 1.2, but in general new functionality will be targeted to 1.3 in order to balance stability with innovation.

GeoMesa 1.3 Compatibility- The 1.3 line of GeoMesa will be a stable line of GeoMesa releases that is aimed at providing as much API compatibility as possible. Our goal is to provide minor version interoperability meaning that any 1.3.x client or server code can interoperate. This compatibility feature will not be available during the 1.3.0 milestone release phase.

GeoMesa 1.2 Compatibility- The 1.2 line of GeoMesa releases provides what we have termed data compatibility, meaning that data ingested with previous versions can still be used with new versions of the GeoMesa JARs. For example, data ingested with 1.2.0 can be read and written by 1.2.6. This compatibility requires that the GeoServer plugin, tools, and distributed runtime JARs all have to match in their minor version numbers.


  • GeoMesa 1.3.3 supports upgrade in place from previous versions.
  • Procedure:
    • Ensure that the GeoServer plugins, distributed runtime, and tools JARs are all of the same client version.
    • Shut down GeoServer.
    • Upgrade the distributed runtime in Accumulo as well as the Geomesa JARs in GeoServer.